See PDF copy of this policy.
Part 1. Standards: Courses for college credit shall be designed and conducted with the expectation that the typical student will need to spend time in scheduled class or laboratory-type instruction, in combination with out-of-class assignments, so that the total approximates three (3) hours per week for each credit. In courses which meet for less than or more than a full term, the three (3) hour standard shall also be used in determining the number of credits to be awarded.
Part 2. Scheduling:
Subpart 1. The minimum scheduled time will be one 50-minute hour per credit per week.
Subpart 2. Exceptions to the above may be approved by the supervising academic administrator, pursuant to MnSCU Board Policy 3.17 which specifically allows for “creative approaches to the awarding of credit in response to demonstrated student skills attainment.” Examples of this might include, but not be limited to, Internet-based courses, other forms of distance learning, and independent study.